


Currently in Italy there are 3088 EGEs (Experts in Energy Management) with certifications from third party and independent bodies and under accreditation.

The post-pandemic has produced a rapid acceleration in the offer of green jobs and the profiles required in the green supply chain, which require continuous training and updating, given the continuously and rapidly evolving framework.

EGE is a professional linked to the Green Economy who is entrusted with the increasingly complex task – even given the international situation – of guaranteeing GDP growth and limiting the impact of human activities on the environment.

The UNI CEI 11339:2009 standard defines the general requirements and procedures for the qualification of the EGE professional figure who must have the ability to combine knowledge in the energy and environmental fields, with managerial, economic-financial skills.

He must be able to intervene in support of organizations in order to improve the level of energy efficiency and to reduce consumption and gas emissions in order to promote the rational use of energy.

Furthermore, it verifies consumption, optimizes it, promotes interventions aimed at energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources or, even better, designs high-performance processes that use latent energy from other processes.

Socio-economic reasons therefore make it possible to increase the use of certifications of accredited skills, starting with the set of activities related to the NGEU and the consequent National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). 

For each of the PNRR Missions, the accredited conformity assessment schemes are a reference to help evaluate and identify subjects and projects to be financed. 

Having to deal with a crucial issue such as energy efficiency and environmental impact, professionals who certify their skills on Energy Management Systems will be able to offer greater guarantees to customers, allowing Organizations to have an systematic for a continuous improvement of its energy performance.

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