
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions



All useful questions about our courses to constantly expand your skills.

What is certification

The certification of professionalism attests that a given person or a training institution assessed by an independent third party, according to pre-established rules, possesses the necessary requisites to operate competently and professionally in a given sector of activity.

Why get certified

To emerge in an increasingly competitive job market, especially for professionals who do not belong to orders and colleges, it is no longer sufficient to certify one's competence with the qualification and curriculum vitae.

What the professional must do to get certified

The professional or training institution that has applied for certification and demonstrates that they meet the minimum requirements contained in the certification schemes will be admitted to take the RICEC exam. Upon passing the exam, the candidate's complete documentation will be sent to the RICEC Certification Committee for approval. If the overall evaluation is positive, the candidate is entered in the Register of Certified Professionals.

What are the criteria that inspire RICEC?

The requirements that RICEC considers when certifying professionals and training institutions are: - Independence - Impartiality - Transparency - Competence - Confidentiality - Absence of conflicts of interest - Duration of certifications limited and controlled over time (not for life as for members of professional registers)

What Are the Benefits of Obtaining Skills Certification?

  • The client feels guaranteed about the quality of the information, advice and, in general, the Service he receives from the professional. Furthermore, the customer is more willing to dedicate his time to a certified professional, so contact is easier.
  • It is easier for the professional to gain the trust of his client-interlocutor.
  • The compensation - honorary required for one's services can be commensurate with one's degree of reliability given by the certification.
  • An organization, thanks to the certain skills of its collaborator, reduces the turnover of personnel because they are not adequate.

Le nostre sedi

Acquistare competenze è semplice, contattaci.