The management intended to document and formalize the policy and the commitments undertaken regarding quality and impartiality, this policy is also freely visible on the website www.ricec.org. The management and internal and external staff are all committed to fulfilling the requirements of the accreditation standard, related standards and guidelines and the SG in place, and to continuously improve their effectiveness for the activities they are responsible for.
It is therefore the policy of RICEC:
- provide customers with conformity assessment and skills certification services that comply with the requirements of the individual technical certification schemes
- maintain these standards during the maintenance and renewal of the certification
- ensure performance compliance, so as to meet their legitimate needs
RICEC guarantees access to conformity assessment and certification services equally to all applicants, without conditioning access to status or membership in a particular trade association or other.
RICEC is concretely committed to making the stated quality and impartiality policy a reality under the banner of maximum impartiality and transparency, to protect the market as a whole.
The implementation of this policy is the responsibility of all personnel and management responsibilities, through the systematic application of the Management System in place.
To achieve the objective, RICEC has adopted the following policy: The applicant for certification, by signing the application and accepting the resolution referred to in the requested certification, authorizes RICEC to enter his name in the Public Register of certified personnel (www.ricec.org). The data present in the Public Register are: name and surname, city of residence, e-mail, purpose and degree of certification in place and consent to work for external workers. The processing of personal data is required by the ISO/IEC 17024:2012 standard referred to in the current accreditation. The RICEC management system protects the data and documents received against any unauthorized treatment.All internal and external personnel authorized to process data and documentation have signed a confidentiality agreement with RECEC regarding the data and documentation they come into possession of. Within the process of managing documents and personal data for conformity assessment use for the issue, maintenance, extension and renewal of the certificate as required by the specific technical certification scheme, freely visible and downloadable from the website www.ricec.org document area, RICEC adopts the following policy:- full compliance with the law and regulations of accreditation, certification standards and related guidelines;
- full compliance with the reference standards for the individual skills referred to in the individual technical certification schemes issued;
- guarantee of information security concerning the documentation and data sent by the applicants for certification;
- continuous and constant regulatory updating in the various areas of activity;
- continuous improvement and effectiveness in the performance of the conformity assessment and certification service;
- no compromise on independence and the conformity of the performance of the services provided;
- application of the approved and issued tariffs in the name of impartiality and transparency throughout the certification process, maintenance and renewal of the certification;
- continuous awareness, training and updating of internal and external personnel at all levels;
- monitoring and analysis of the performance of the processes referred to in the SG in place;
- continuous review of requirements of conformity assessment and certification services, to identify opportunities to improve the quality of the services provided;
- effective communication with applicants the certification / certified personnel and interested third parties;
- avoid conflicts of interest RECEC does not carry out training activities in any field.
- impartiality in management of the skills certification process is of vital importance for RICEC, it is essential, in order to obtain and maintain trust, that the decisions relating to the issuance, maintenance, renewal, etc. of certification by RICEC are based on transparent processes and objective evidence of compliance with its technical certification schemes, and that the decisions of the functions in place are not influenced by other interests or other parties involved. RICEC manages any conflicts of interest at the outset and guarantees the objectivity of the activities carried out by both internal and external personnel who work in the name and on behalf of RICEC.
All activities and/or relationships that may alter and/or be a risk to the impartiality of the ongoing processes have been evaluated and managed to avoid interference with impartiality. The assessment of individual risks is subject to periodic review and updating, where required, of the same and of the associated operational control. The management periodically examines, during management reviews and/or as necessary, the validity of this policy for quality and impartiality, in relation to any changed operational and/or development needs of RICEC in order to modify it where appropriate.
ENGAGEMENT OF INTERESTED PARTIES All parties interested in certification of skills, including, but not limited to:- Individuals, Groups or Organizations interested in the performance of a certified person or the Certification Body;
- Certified people;
- Users of certified person services;
- Employers, clients of certified persons;
- Consumers;
- Government authorities;
- Trade, industrial and trade associations;
- Activity status and accredited and non-accredited certification schemes;
- Certification trend;
- Internal audit results;
- Results of management reviews;
- Accreditation Body audit results;
- Outcomes of the periodic assessment of risks to impartiality;