In the Italian economic and social context, the importance of expanding the use of accredited skills certifications is increasingly evident. This need is strongly underscored by the initiatives and goals outlined by the Next Generation EU (NGEU) and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRP).
For each mission of the NRP, accredited conformity assessment schemes are critical. They serve as crucial tools for assessing and identifying actors and projects that deserve funding. This approach ensures that resources are allocated efficiently and transparently, rewarding excellence and innovation.
According to a report by Accredia, the Italian accreditation body, the number of skills certifications issued has grown by 30 percent in the past five years. This increase is indicative of the growing awareness among professionals and companies regarding the importance of such certifications.
In addition, an analysis by Cedefop (European Center for the Development of Vocational Training) notes that 85 percent of employers believe that accredited certifications significantly increase the reliability and quality of work performed. In addition, companies that invest in the certification of their employees’ skills report a 15-20% increase in productivity.
The Italian landscape has seen a significant acceleration in the supply of green jobs and profiles in demand along the green supply chain. A Unioncamere report estimates that by 2025, there will be more than 500,000 new jobs related to the green economy in Italy. This rapidly evolving sector requires continuous training and constant updating of skills. In this context, skills certification becomes an essential element to ensure that professionals are able to respond effectively to new challenges.
Professions such as the Energy Manager and EGE (Expert in Energy Management) are emblematic of the Green Economy. According to the GreenItaly 2023 report by Fondazione Symbola and Unioncamere, the energy efficiency sector in Italy is worth more than 60 billion euros, growing at an annual rate of 5 percent. These roles are called upon to ensure Italy’s GDP growth while reducing the environmental impact of human activities. The increasing complexity of these tasks, amplified by international dynamics, requires certified professionals who can demonstrate internationally recognized skills and professionalism.
Competency certification, performed by an independent third party according to predetermined criteria, certifies that a professional possesses the qualifications necessary to perform with excellence in his or her field. This not only increases confidence on the part of employers and clients, but also helps raise professional standards nationwide.
Expanding accredited skills certifications is a winning strategy for Italy. It not only facilitates the achievement of the NRP goals, but also promotes a culture of quality and innovation, which is essential for meeting future challenges and building a more sustainable and competitive economy.