Sustainability is an extraordinary driver of employment. In addition to the environment, social aspects and governance are also contributing to redefining the landscape of professions. However, despite the growing demand, the supply of adequate skills remains limited. According to the latest Green Italy Report by Unioncamere and Fondazione Symbola in 2020, contracts activated for green jobs accounted for 35.7% of the total. By the end of the year, the number of people employed in “green” professions amounted to 3,141.4 thousand units. An additional turning point is expected, according to the FAO, which would lead to a growth of over 200,000 job opportunities by 2030, thanks to the intersection of sustainability and digital transformation.
The recent LinkedIn report, based on semantic analysis of the demand and supply of sustainability-related professions, also highlights a 13% increase in the number of professionals in the sector across Europe. This increase surpasses the global average of 7.5%, with a demand for green jobs that has grown by 49% in the last year.
Among the most in-demand roles, the EGE (Energy Management Expert) is a modern and interdisciplinary professional figure, called upon to act in the context of the new European energy market. They are a professional associated with the Green Economy and entrusted with the increasingly complex task – given the international situation – of limiting the impact of human activities on the environment.
The UNI CEI 11339:2009 standard defines the general requirements and procedures for the qualification of the EGE professional figure, who must have the ability to combine knowledge in the energy and environmental fields with managerial and economic-financial skills.
The energy management expert must be able to support organizations in improving energy efficiency and reducing consumption and gas emissions in order to promote rational energy use.
Certifications of skills for EGE and Energy Managers offer numerous advantages for both professionals and companies. For professionals, these certifications represent a valid demonstration of their skills and distinguish them as experts in the field of environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. This can facilitate access to rewarding and well-paid job opportunities, as well as career progression.
Certifications of skills allow individuals to stand out from the competition and access career opportunities in the rapidly growing green sector.
Ricec: the value of certified competencies.