


National laws and international agreements (OECD, UN) are not sufficient to prevent and combat corruption: organizations and professionals must proactively contribute to combating this phenomenon.

In the 2021 ranking of the Corruption Perception Index, which charts the level of corruption in each country (score from 0 to 100, where 0 is highly corrupt and 100 highly legal), Italy is in 42nd place with a score of 0.54, thus presenting a high degree of corruption.

Reducing corruption phenomena can therefore be an investment for growth that can contribute to the necessary change of pace of our economy. This becomes an increasingly urgent necessity following the allocation from the EU budget, combined with the Next Generation EU (NGEU), represents the largest package of recovery measures ever financed in Europe. To rebuild Europe after the COVID-19 pandemic, a total of 2,018 billion euros will be available so that Europe can get back up more ecological, digital and resilient.

How do your stakeholders know you are implementing internationally recognized best practices for anti-corruption controls? How can they trust the integrity of your internal processes?

The UNI ISO 37001 – Anti-Bribery Management Systems standard is an important safeguard in the prevention and fight against corruption.

In this context, becoming an Auditor and Lead Auditor certified for Anti-Bribery Management Systems can be a decisive step in making available to companies their professionalism certified by an accredited third party and enabling organizations to demonstrate to the market reference and its stakeholders to be able to fully and transparently exploit the potential offered, for example, by the NGEU.

Ricec, the value of skills.

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