Housekeepers, babysitters and carers, three key figures in the management of family dynamics, become professionals in all respects, with ad hoc training courses and the opportunity to get certified under accreditation. Accredited certification, in fact, is a fundamental tool for professions not organized in orders or colleges and a decisive guarantee for babysitters, carers, family assistants who work daily with the most fragile categories.
The UNI 11766:2019 standard and the related certification represent a unique case all over the world: Italy, in fact, is the first country to envisage a path of this type to guarantee the skills of family caregivers, or more than two million workers, most of them – and unfortunately – unregulated.
The UNI 11766 standard defines the requirements of each professional figure, in compliance with the European Qualifications Framework and lists all the knowledge, skills and competences necessary to be qualified by an accredited body. For each type of family assistant, specific tasks and activities are defined that the assistant must be able to carry out, as well as providing for compliance with the code of ethics for domestic workers.
Professionalization and salary increases, as well as allowances thanks to the accredited certification of family assistants, recognized by the national collective agreement for domestic work. With the achievement of a certification of compliance with the UNI 11766:2019 standard issued by bodies accredited according to the ISO/IEC 17024 standard, such as RICEC, it represents a considerable social achievement, which provides for the first time a recognized title to a profession now vital for the welfare of the country.
To obtain certification, in addition to knowledge oflingua italiana, you must have attended a free training course, to acquire the skills required by the regulations, and have worked legally in family assistance for at least12 months.
A necessary rule in a social context characterized by the progressive aging of the population and by a strong investment of European funds, from 2021 to 2026, in strengthening public home assistance for the elderly and non self-sufficient people (the PNRR allocates this purpose 3.3 billion). Thanks to the arrival of this standard, family assistants will be able to carry out their work, guaranteeing employers skills and competences in line with European standards and verified by an independent body, with greater protection and guarantees for families and society.
Family assistants, for their part, in addition to acquiring and improving their skills and their reputation, will be able to be granted rights, paid leave, leave, holidays and welfare contributions and pension.
RICEC, An accredited, competent and impartial body, it certifies the skills and knowledge of professionals on a daily basis, to offer quality and safety to a market in search of ever greater skills and guarantees precisely because it is fluid and constantly evolving.